Absolutely Essential

Absolutely Essential provides doTERRA essential oils to better the quality of your life. Reiki Master
Diploma in Community Services (Case Management)

One of the things Absolutely Essential is about is using doTERRA essential oils to better the quality of your life and take control of your own health care and vitality. The doTERRA company prides themselves in gathering the most pure and potent the world has to offering. These products are 100% pure with no fillers added, due to this reason I feel safe enough to ingest these products when ( supplement facts) are listed on bottle. They are 50%-70% more powerful than herbs and can penetrate into the cell of the human body where antibiotics sometimes cannot. For example you can use On Guard to boost your immune support to ward of colds and flues. One of doTERRA favourite sayings is, if its on you its in you. These oil not only help with the physical ailments but also mental and emotional aliments. One of the techniques is the Aroma Touch Technique, which is a very light hands on process, technically this is not a massage but does bring amazing results. This technique is all about the oils and the benefits they bring to the table. Aroma Touch is a non intrusive way of applying 8 essential oils to your back and feet for neurological optinum results. These 8 oils help with your stress management, immune support, inflammatory reducing response and homeostasis/equilibrium which is bringing your body back into balance. I am certified for the Aroma Touch Technique along with being a Reiki Master and hold a diploma in Communty Services (Case Management).
